Top Fraudsters of the Week – 18 Oct 2020

When faced with the utterly bizarre claims being promoted, what becomes clear is that while there are some that sincerely believe, there are also many others who know that what they are proclaiming is all a sham. What they put out is a deliberate lie that is designed to deceive and manipulate – these are the fraudsters, and you need to be aware of it, and perhaps laugh at it and also heap upon it the well-deserved mockery it has earned.

Let’s take a look at some of the highlights from the past week.

Proclamations from the last 7 days

The Cult Of Trump


  • Dave Daubenmire warns that “every major institution in America is under the control of Satan.
    • Well .. we do at least know that this is true for the oval office.

Conspiracy claims

  • Chris McDonald says that the kidnapping plot against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer was a false flag.
    • His evidence? … oh come now, you know the shtick here, none at all.
  • Rick Wiles believes that President Donald Trump contracted COVID-19 as a result of an assassination attempt carried out by miniature drone “that was weaponized to spray an aerosol in the Rose Garden.
    • I’m sure that denying the seriousness of COVID-19 and refusing to wear a mask played no part.
  • Michele Bachmann laments that people have forgotten that by the end of Obama’s presidency, “we had almost one terrorist act a week in the United States.
    • People is not forgotten something that never actually happened.
  • Andrew Wommack says that George Soros is paying Black men $50 an hour to riot and is also covering all of their legal fees.
    • It is a very very old anti-Semitic trope. The claim that the Jews are behind it all is too obvious, so they use the name of a Jewish financier “George Soros” to recycle this ancient anti-semitic claim.
  • David Barton declares that any book about the Founding Fathers that was written after 1980 is not to be trusted.
    • Does this explain why his publisher yanked his book about Thomas Jefferson off the market in 2012?
  • Mark Taylor asserts that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s orange mask was “an assassination code” worn to activate “someone that’s out there that’s mind-controlled.
    • Mark Taylor’s assertion is a secret code for his doctor to bump up his meds a bit, the delusions are kicking in again.

Truly Bizarre

  • Kenneth Copeland claims that he literally saw the “anointing of God” fall on Michele Bachmann during her 2012 run for president: “God had chosen her to be president of the United States that year, and if it hadn’t been for lazy Christians, she would have been.
    • Mr Copeland’s god has a track record of picking incompetent buffoons and fraudsters.
  • Dave Daubenmire reports that he received a visit from the Secret Service after calling for Hillary Clinton to be executed, but that is not hindering his plans to organize a right-wing protest outside her home over Halloween weekend.
  • E.W. Jackson Says Nancy Pelosi’s Prayers Are ‘A Blasphemy Against God’
    • Blasphemy!
  • Glenn Beck tells his audience that they “have about three weeks to prepare for insanity” because “I think these are the beginnings of the days that have been foretold.
    • Glenn Beck’s audience have been dealing with insanity for quite some time now.

What other Fraudsters popped up last week?

As always, it is an endless stream. Some of it is good, some sad, some is rather grim, and some is quite frankly hilarious. Here are a few more samples …

COVID-19 …

  • Christian Death Cult Preacher Holds Another Mask-Optional Concert in Atlanta
    • He has conned these people into the belief that they will be just fine
  • Someone at a 50-Man Michigan Church Retreat Got COVID, and They’re All in Denial
    • One attendee accused a local health official of “working for Satan.”
  • COVID Cases on the Rise at “Christian Hogwarts” School in Redding, CA
    • Nearly 300 cases have been traced back to Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. Yes, that name is not mockery, it is their actual name, and yes this is the home base for COVID-denying preacher/singer Sean Feucht, the same gut in the first item above.

Corruption …

  • California Republicans Are Installing Illegal Ballot Drop-Off Boxes
    • This is what election fraud actually looks like, and the guy doing this was a Baptist pastor. It is not just one guy. Drop boxes are popping up throughout the state, courtesy of the same Republicans who love to complain about voter fraud. Meanwhile, there is no evidence of the kind of voter fraud the GOP claims is rampant.


  • GOP Rep. Louie Gohmert: Democrats Want Godless Socialism Where Government is God
    • Not only is this a blatant lie, it actually makes no sense at all.
  • Angry Christian Mom Condemns “Irresponsible and Offensive” Hot Sauce Ad
    • Imagine living through 4 years of Trump, and this is what gets you upset.
  • COVID-Denying Pastor Denies Climate Change: God Gave Us a “Disposable Planet”
    • This pastor is working really hard to find many different ways to harm those he is responsible for
  • Christian “Prophetess”: I Can Draw God “Because of My Photographic Memory”
    • I can never really work out if Kat Kerr is simply delusional, or knows it is all a fraud and is doing stuff like this to take advantage of some being gullible enough to believe her.
  • Trump, Pandering to Crowd, Says the Only Person More Famous Than Him is Jesus
    • Trump must have been very conflicted to actually admit he was not No.1, but only No.2
  • Trump, Who Brags About His “High IQ,” Falls for Story on Christian “Satire” Site
    • He retweeted an article from the Babylon Bee, a controversial conservative Christian “satire” site, suggesting he actually believed the story. He is sharing literal fake news because either he is too stupid to know the difference and/or he thinks his supporters are stupid enough to believe it.

And yes, good stuff really does happen …

  • Donald Trump is Losing Support from White Evangelicals at a Critical Time

And the winner of Fraudster of the week is?

Oh come now, you know the answer, it’s Trump.

Bonus Items – Election tips

…and since we are thinking of Sarah Cooper, this is coming up …

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