“Massacre of Muslims in Burma” – Debunked

There are a lot of reports circulating in Facebook groups and also many Islamic blogs regarding a claim that thousands of Muslims have been slaughtered in Burma and that the world remains silent about it all. Pictures such as that shown here are common.

This comes with some text that usually reads … “50 thousand Muslims killed in Burma (Mayanmar) by Buddhist terrorists, the world is quiet, Muslims are killled by Others and they also blamed to terrorist, where is humanity ?”. An example of one of the many postings is here.

Is this really true? No, it is complete fiction. The original of the above photo can be found here. There we discover that it is actually an image of protesters being arrested and detained in Thailand in 2004.

Many other similar examples of fake pictures abound. For example we have the following image as shown on the right here…also circulating

Is this really an image of a slaughter of Muslims by Buddhist monks? No, not at all, the original is in fact showing you Tibetan monks assisting earthquake victims and comes from here.

Do not be fooled by these blatant attempts to stir up hatred, the claimed slaughter of thousands of Muslims in Burma is a complete fiction. There is some evidence of unrest and I did find evidence that 10 Muslims died during some civil unrest, but not thousands or tens of thousands.

The death of just one individual, with or without belief is a tragedy, especially when it is belief driven murder. It happens, it really does, Muslims kill non Muslims, non-Muslims kill Muslims, Muslims kill other Muslims simply because of different beliefs, but in this specific instance the now widely circulating claim is complete fiction. The world remains silent, not because they don’t care a damn, but rather because it never happened. There are real instances of genocide, for example in the former Yugoslavia, where NATO stepped in to save the Muslim population, and many European nations then following up with a lot of humanitarian aid. They did this because they cared and because they were humans in distress, nobody had an interest in what their beliefs were, they just helped.

These pictures are clearly designed to ignite rage and motivate young passionate and impressionable youths to engage in a violent response in the name of Islam. The claim has no merit and is complete fiction.

Do not let yourself be fooled or conned by any of this.

26 thoughts on ““Massacre of Muslims in Burma” – Debunked”

  1. “There are real instances of genocide, for example in the former Yugoslavia, where NATO stepped in to save the Muslim population, and many European nations then following up with a lot of humanitarian aid. They did this because they cared and because they were humans in distress, nobody had an interest in what their beliefs were, they just helped” Oh you mean how the Alliance killed over 3000 people and destroyed nearly every bridge in the country. Factories, hospitals, radio and TV stations: everything was fair game. And all that because of the rightfull response to Albanian terrorism where they had burned a bunch of Serbian villages and killed hundreds of civillian Serbs. Nato was dragged in the confilct by America who in turn was involved because of the Albanian loby (which is powerfull over there). There was no Crusade to save the “poor” albanian people: it was a bunch of craven pilots dropping their explosive payload over the heads of terrified civillian populace so that Alb. druglords can continue pushing heroin via Kosovo (which they defacto occupied during and after NATO aggression) into Montenegro and from there into the rest of the Europe. Also, organ and slave trade prospered during the chaos caused there: thousands of people went “missing” over the course of four years and still today people are dissapearing whereever you have a high concentration of Albanians… Go figure

  2. Please note, it was a cyclone and not a tsunami which hit Burma in 2008

    Pictures from the 2008 Cyclone Nargis which killed over 138,000 people, the oil tanker explosion in the Congo in 2010, the karate school with the motorbike running over the hands of children, the incident in the south of Thailand in 2004, the mass cremation of earthquake victims in Tibet etc has been extensively used as examples of the massacre in Myanmar by rather unscrupulous people.

    See the links below:





  3. Pictures from the 2008 Tsunami, the oil tanker explosion in the Congo, the karate school with the motorbike running over the hands of children, the incident in the south of Thailand in 2004, the mass cremation of earthquake victims in Tibet etc has been extensively used as examples of the massacre in Myanmar by rather unscrupulous people.

    See the links below:





  4. You call this serious journalism? Pray tell do you have a reliable contact ‘on the ground’? What is your reporting source. You Sir are pushing your own anti-Muslim propaganda and doctrine. To prove you wrong, I have included a link https://stopkillingburmamuslim.wordpress.com/2012/10/31/why-the-world-media-is-silent-on-killing-burmas-innocent-muslim/comment-page-2/#comment-143 and tell me its a ‘doctored’ cgi??? FYI, the ‘people’ you mention are the ethnic group called Rohingya in Burma. Thousands have fled and landed in Malaysia recently as refugees seeking shelter and a safe haven from their own government who have rejected them. They risked life and limb to reach distant shores! Why not lift your cloud of ignorance by reading real news and accurate piece of journalism at http://www.newsweek.com/who-are-rohingya-and-why-are-they-fleeing-myanmar-330728. If you are a decent human being and a true journalist, you would draft a retraction and post it here but I would love for you to prove me otherwise i.e. that you are indeed base and full of yourself!

    • Suzanna, the true horror of the fraudulent claims regarding Burma, is that when real evidence is presented, nobody takes it seriously and simply assumes that it is yet another fraudulent claim.

      You need to step back and remember that this is a posting about the fact that fraudulent claims were being widely circulated back in 2012 and at that time that is all there was. When presented with a claim that 50,000 had been murdered and that claim, and many other similar claims, can be demonstrated to be fraudulent, then why would anybody take any of the other claims seriously?

      Great harm has been done by those manufacturing such claims for the purposes of Islamic propaganda.

  5. You say debunked, but yet the photo still shows dead Muslims and the buddhists are still responsible for their deaths even though they were protesters, so how is it debunked????

  6. You maybe laugh out of your ass if you ever heard about 2004 earthquake and tsunami was caused by the us job..in my country it was the fact out of everything else theory.

    • You are indeed correct … thanks for that. The true issue here is not “did bad things happen”, because clearly they did. The real issue is the promotion of false claims of genocide that then leads many to also seriously doubt the real facts. That in itself has resulted in real harm.

  7. Dave : The very link you provided to debunk the story, states that 78 Thai Muslims died of suffocation as a result of being arrested by the Thai military and piled on top of each other in trucks for six hours before they were transported to some prison, and yet you wrote : ” There is some evidence of unrest and I did find evidence that 10 Muslims died during some civil unrest,”. It would have been wise to fully read that page before jumping to hasty conclusions. I agree with you that some sick individuals would exploit such pictures to stir hatred based on largely exaggerated comments. But down playing facts doesn’t help either.

  8. Maybe That is you say true or maybe not/ Have you witnessed the situation in Burma- been there while the unrest/ seen anything with your own eyes? Or you specialize on internet photo research? Thanks

    • Irma … There is no doubt that terrible things have indeed happened in Burma, that is now clear. What is even more appalling is that there have been fraudulent claims, as I documented above that attempt to whip up a frenzy and fan the flames of hatred. So much so that many seriously doubt the fact based stories of what has really happened, a considerable degree of harm has been done by these false claims. Think of all the aid needed, but has not come because of such false claims.

  9. I like everything you have written in your artical, except for your final quote. As a young impressionable muslim, your final opinion where you quote, ‘like the belief system itself’ makes your intentions seem insincere, it’s a shame you had to ruin your important point that aims to illuminate provocative accusations with such a immature simplistic comment about your own views about faith. Have you even read a holy book like the Bible, Torah or Quran? If you have and can still say that not one word makes sence to you, then I would rest my case!


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