Google Trends – Pakistan Still ranks No.1 for Porn

I do confess that I find it highly amusing that the god fearing no-infidels allowed holier-than-thou righteous nation of Pakistan still ranks No.1 in the world for Google searches for porn. Yep, you read that correctly, this Muslim nation that is notorious for conservatism, religious orthodoxy, and fanatical censorship seems to actually be the world’s forerunner in sex searches online, and also appears to be maintaining that position.

When I first came across this claim in 2010 it led back to a news story on Fox News as the source. Alas, that was truly sad, because once I discovered that “Fox News” was the source, my “dubious-credibility” alarm started clanging quite loudly. I say sad, because I do indeed find it rather appealing to consider the thought that this nation of god-fearing religious thugs also happens to be a nation of god-fearing religious hypocrites. That original article reported back in July 2010…

Pakistan is top dog in searches per-person for “horse sex” since 2004, “donkey sex” since 2007, “rape pictures” between 2004 and 2009, “rape sex” since 2004, “child sex” between 2004 and 2007 and since 2009, “animal sex” since 2004 and “dog sex” since 2005, according to Google Trends and Google Insights, features of Google that generate data based on popular search terms.

The country also is tops — or has been No. 1 — in searches for “sex,” “camel sex,” “rape video,” “child sex video” and some other searches that can’t be printed here.

Well, the latest news on all this is that they are still in the top spot, as reported here in the Hindustan Times.

OK, so how does Google Trends work, and just how accurate is it? Here is what Google says in reply to both of those questions …

How does Google Trends work?

Google Trends analyzes a portion of Google web searches to compute how many searches have been done for the terms you enter, relative to the total number of searches done on Google over time. We then show you a graph with the results – our Search Volume Index graph.

Located beneath the Search Volume Index graph is our News reference volume graph. This graph shows you the number of times your topic appeared in Google News stories. When Google Trends detects a spike in the volume of news stories for a particular search term, it labels the graph and displays the headline of an automatically selected Google News story written near the time of that spike. Currently, only English-language headlines are displayed, but we hope to support non-English headlines in the future.

Below the search and news volume graphs, Trends displays the top regions, cities, and languages in which people searched for the first search term you entered.

How accurate and up-to-date is the information provided by Google Trends?

The data Trends produces may contain inaccuracies for a number of reasons, including data-sampling issues and a variety of approximations that are used to compute results. We hope you find this service interesting and entertaining, but you probably wouldn’t want to write your Ph.D. dissertation based on the information provided by Trends.

So take with a pinch of salt, but yes it certainly is indeed both interesting and entertaining to see how truly embarrassing this is for the mullahs.

As you might imagine, some folks in the Islamic republic of Pornistan (oops sorry, typo there) I mean Pakistan of course, were a tad ticked off about this. Their reaction, like mine, can be best expressed with the thought … “Fox News is your source!! … Really?”, and is also interlaced with a strong emphases upon, “Its not 100% accurate and is just an approximation”. As an example, try here, and also here. However, you need not lean upon Fox News because you can utilize google trends and go check it out yourself. Additionally, you can also note that Pakistan leaps out into the lead by a huge margin, so that also addresses the “Its just an  approximation” comment.

You can check it for yourself here now.

  1. Go to (click to open in a new window)
  2. Enter terms such as: “sex”, “donkey sex”, “animal sex”, “dog sex”, “rape sex”
  3. Note who ranks No.1 every time.

As an alternative way of checking this, you can also try Google Insights.

  1. Go to (click to open in a new window)

Now least you wonder about “Google Trends” vs “Google Insight for Search”, both use the same source data. Where they part company is that Google Insight gives you a lot more information and also allows you to break things down a lot more, so you can think of it as a tool that is a wet-dream for Internet marketers.

Anyway, back to the sex trend in Pakistan, is this a surprise? No not really. As has been clearly demonstrated by the Catholic Church, when religious belief steps in and attempts to harness and supress normal sexual behaviour, it soon bursts out and manifests itself again. There have been numerous studies indicating that excessive repression of the sexual instinct leads to an increase in the overall level of aggression in a given society. Societies forbidding premarital sex are plagued by acts of rage and tend to have higher rates of crime and violence.  There may also be a link between sexual repression and aggression, insensitivity, criminal behaviour, and a greater likelihood of killing and torturing enemies.

The abnormally excessive repression of the sexual instinct as mandated by Islam, perhaps not only explains this trend data, but may also point to the root cause behind the aggression and violence dished out by the Islamic fanatics.


3 thoughts on “Google Trends – Pakistan Still ranks No.1 for Porn”

  1. Whosoever wrote this bunch of shit is a mother fucking wanker and a pussy who himself loves to watch his own mother fucking other men.This article is another instance of biased American propaganda meant to defame Pakistan.In this article this cunt deliberately left out the fact that most of the porn in in fact made in Usa.

    • There is no requirement to “defame” Pakistan, the facts are easily verified, anybody can check google trends and verify that it is all true.

      “Propaganda” tends to suggest it is not true … this is.


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