If, like me, you engage in on-line discussions with theist crazies, then you will know that at some point Evolution will pop up. It is usually unexpected (but not always), for example yesterday when engaged in a debate with an Islamic fanatic about the existence of God (which is usually a claim that is some variation of one of the three famous arguments, the Cosmological, the Teleological, or the Ontological) we suddenly take a left-hand turn and Darwin pops up which then leaves all the non-believers thinking, “WTF, where did that come from?“, and soon we were buried in heaps of anti-evolution quotes.
Claim: “Evolution is a Lie” – How should you address this claim?
There is an almost perpetual and on-going background chatter that claims evolution is a lie. If you are familiar with this claim then here is where you insert your face-palm moment. Once again today I tripped over several such claims, all from Muslims who were 100% sure. You might or might not be aware, but … Read more