The Copenhagen Shooting – Who Really has Responsibility?

Hopefully you can immediately grasp the right answer for this question, and if so then that is good. Alas, sadly there appears to be a strand of thinking that simply does not get it. First, to illustrate the point, let’s switch topic and imagine that a horrendous rape has taken place. The rapist is then put on … Read more

Satire really is the very best way to criticise absurd ideas

When faced with something truly absurd and utterly outrageous, for example racism, bigotry, intolerance, or xenophobia,  then I often argue that the best means of deploying criticism is not rage, but rather is satire and humour. The scope is actually quite wide and need not be restricted to such social issues, but might also include daft conspiracy claims, fraudulent medical … Read more

The Hidden sexual message on the latest Charlie Hebdo cover

I never saw it and would have never seen it, that is until somebody pointed it out to me. The latest Charlie Hebdo cover (below) features an Image of Mohammed crying and holding up a sign that reads “Je Suis Charlie”. On the surface this appears to be saying that what happened is completely at … Read more

What does the Quran really say?

Sugar coated religious claims from apologists who would like to convert you are quite common and often pop up, and so here is a recent Islamic example from FB … DO GOOD TO OTHERS, YOUR LIFE WILL BE MEANINGFUL “Do good to others as Allah has done good to you.” – Quran 28:77 “Anyone who does … Read more

Muslim Disagrees with Sam Harris and Bill Maher for pointing out the violence

Kashif Chaudhry, an Ahmadiyya Muslim and also a doctor, has blogged a posting within the express tribune in which he disagrees with Sam Harris and also Bill Maher – translation – religious guy disagrees with vocal criticism of religious beliefs, and so this should not be a surprise, but there is a bit more to it than that. … Read more

Islamophobia or fact-based Criticism?

A genuinely nice chap who is a member of the Ahmadiyya Islamic sect recently wrote an article entitled “‘Talibani Atheism’ & how it fuels Islamophobia”. For background context, the Ahmadiyya are a fringe Islamic sect that renounce all violence, which is of course praise worthy, and in fact they suffer a considerable degree of intolerance and discrimination … Read more

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