What is Biden’s $2 Trillion Climate plan?
Biden has announced a $2 Trillion plan. What is the goal and details of this plan and where do the ideas presented come from?
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
Biden has announced a $2 Trillion plan. What is the goal and details of this plan and where do the ideas presented come from?
New study by an international team concludes that if we don’t mitigate our CO2 emissions then we face very severe impacts and risks worldwide
UK Met office has published an analysis for future UK climate. In a wraming world the UK is going to see far more very hot days above 40C.
Reports of warm weather in Siberia happening in the summer sounds silly. Dig into details and what you discover is that it is unprecedented.
Do naturally occuring orbital variations offer an explanation for global warming and it is not really our CO2 emissions? (Hint: No)
New study in Nature reveals that life in the deep oceans will face a considerable challenge due to ocean warming in the coming decades.