Poll: Would an Atheist candidate be elected today?

atheist vote

A recurring polling question is to ask people about the type of candidate that they would vote for. For example, a 2016 Gallup poll discovered that the following types of candidates would be fine with the vast majority… Catholic Candidate? – 93% would vote yes A women Candidate? – 92% would vote yes Black Candidate? … Read more

How can a doctor be an atheist?


A chap called Bill Dunn has written an essay that has attracted a bit of attention. It has been published within the Catholic Transcript, a magazine of the Archdiocese of Hartford, Connecticut. When I say “attention”, what I actually mean is that it popped up in my Google news feed so it perhaps implies a sufficient … Read more

Belief, disbelief, and human rights – Walking the tightrope

There is a really good article within The Atlantic that focuses on Ali Rizvi, a chap that I have been friends with on facebook for quite some time, enough to know that he is a good author, a passionate medical doctor, a great blogger and an inspirational individual. What is of specific interest within the article is … Read more

Rejecting “Atheist” money … again! …WWJD?

A few days ago I was writing about the Murrow Indian Children’s Home that rejected a donation because it was being offered by a non-religious person. I truly thought I was done, and that was the end of the story, but no, the saga continues to roll, and so here are a few more updates. Matt, who … Read more

Darwin’s letter of disbelief

On 23rd November 1880, Charles Darwin received a letter from a barrister named FA McDermott. Within it he was asked to bluntly state if he did or did not believe… Sir, The reason of my intrusion—which I trust you will pardon—is this. I have a great desire to read your books—the more so after finding (in his Life … Read more