Weird Claim: Gladiator battles between humans, giants and dinosaurs really happened

I missed this one yesterday when I was writing my a weekly summary of some of the truly bizarre religious claims floating about this week. It is just too good to pass over, so here it is. Mr Ham (who else could roll with this) tweeted this out …

Yes, it is part of his Ark Encounter theme park, but remember, he presents this as a “Museum” and claims that this is all very sciency and factual and really really (did I mention ‘really’) did happen because it is all “historical” bible “truth”. (And yes we need those quotes).

For those unfamiliar with Ken Ham

Mr Ham is what is known as a young earth creationist. This means that he believes the bible to be a 100% accurate historical document and so he embraces each and every word within it as literal truth. His specific stance is that not just planet earth, but the entire universe, all 2 trillion galaxies, is just 6,000 years old.

He is Australian. If he lived in Australia then none of this would be news because nobody would be paying any attention to his eccentric beliefs. Sadly however, he set up shop right in the heart of the US bible belt in Petersburg, Kentucky, and so he has spent over $100 million building his giant life-sized replica of Noah’s Ark, of which $18 million consisted of state tax breaks.

If curious to find out more, you can check out his Wikipedia page.

I will however admit that such curiosity is perhaps akin to people slowing down at the scene of a car wreck on the highway – most people are genuinely horrified and shocked by it all.

Mr Ham’s Giants and Dinosaurs

He has it all up on his Facebook account as well, and has reposted it again. There along with the pictures he explains …

I have noticed lately many secularists vehemently attacking anyone they don’t agree with. Apparently our new pre-Flood miniature diorama at the Ark upset them, so here are the photos again.

People sent me a number of articles secularists wrote attacking the Ark Encounter’s new diorama–e.g., they should do something productive for society; these secularists seem to have nothing better to do than to sit at their computer waiting for the latest tweet or post from me so they can show their intolerance.

Mr Ham does not appear to get what is happening here. Nobody is “attacking” him or showing “intolerance”. He is quite free to continue using private donations from gullible people to promote nonsense within his own private park. People are writing and posting about it all to simply laugh at it. If he truly is upset about people mocking such nonsense, then perhaps he should consider not promoting nonsense.

He suggests “they should do something productive for society”. In what way exactly is anything he does “productive for society“?

OK, so he holds a literal belief in Giants and Dinosaurs because they are mentioned in the bible.

The giants claim is written up on the Answers in Genesis website here.

The dinosaurs claim is written up on their website here.

However, regarding the claim that humans had pitched battles in a Roman style arena with giants and dinosaurs … er no, not even in the bible.

Least you wonder ..

Dig a bit and you find the claims get truly bizarre, because these are the same folks who assert that flying fire-breathing dragons are quite real, and so apparently are unicorns.

The serious point here is this. His entire theme park is designed to promote absurd silly nonsense as fact.

Key point: Neither The Flintstones nor Game of Thrones are documentaries. Rather sadly the new VP, Mike Pence, and the new Secretary of Education, DeVos, are both creationists, so they might seriously be buying into these ideas.

As for Mr Ham’s Diorama, I’m rooting for the Dinosaur.

2 thoughts on “Weird Claim: Gladiator battles between humans, giants and dinosaurs really happened”

  1. This guy doesn’t realize that he is hurting faith in God. He is far more harmful to it than Hitchens or Dawkins could EVER be! Poor fool…

  2. OK, I agree with you on these particular items, but the attitude of ridicule is perilously close to the typical skeptic’s denial of anything that doesn’t fit his worldview.


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