Asset Management is almost akin to Voodoo and is just as credible

Most specializations end up developing their own language, for example immerse yourself into either the Medical or IT arena, and you soon find yourself swimming in a tide of weird terms that often befuddle the uninitiated.

Here now, just to entertain you, is a “translation” from the “Asset management” universe. It amused me, because I received a letter just like it a few weeks ago that tripped my “skeptic” bullshit alarm. These folks only tend  to send out letters when some huge screw up has happened, so regardless of what the letter says, you know in your heart of hearts its an “Oh Shit” moment, because they are most probably explaining why your pension fund has shrunk (with a rich sugar coat wrapping). Anyway, here now is the text and the translation …

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The 9/11 Cross – I’ve changed my mind

Awhile back I blogged about the 9/11 Cross lawsuit (here and also here). Basically, I argued in defense of the lawsuit that …

we simply want an even playing field. The reality that we face is that it is religion that seeks to exclude all, we simply want to open up that closed shop“.

Well, I’ve changed my mind and now argue that the lawsuit is a really bad idea and was totally inappropriate. No I’ve not suddenly converted, nor have I moved into the accommodationist camp, nor am I concerned that this was unpopular. Instead, I now have a clearer view of what is going on here and it is that clarity, the new facts, that have changed my mind.

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Catholic Loon: writes about “The Blind, Irrational Faith of Atheism”

There is a (long) article in yesterdays National Catholic Register (click this link), by a chap called Frank Cronin. Now what makes it interesting is that he was once an Atheist, but no longer is, so this is his attempt to explain why there is something beyond.

He is also qualified, he has a degree in theology and converted to Catholicism in 2007

Side observation: A degree in theology? … Regardless of what many might think, that is almost akin to claiming you have a degree in toothology so you are qualified to do dentistry, I’d contend it is not real education.

Shall we start mocking now … oh come on now, you know this is going to be silly … right? Well, lets take a look.

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$1 Million is yours – If you can prove you have Psychic powers

The $1 Million challenge has been around for quite some time now, in fact it dates back to 1968. Basically, if you can provide objective proof of the supernatural under controlled conditions, then you get $1 million. There must have been a few winners by now … right? Er no, none.

About 1000 people have had a go and so far there has been a 100% failure rate – (gasp what a surprise).

Well, the latest news is that the JREF has upped the ante. Ben Radford writes about that on Discovery News here, where he explains …

The James Randi Educational Foundation(JREF) has announced that it is publicly offering $1 million to celebrity “psychic mediums” including James Van Praagh, Allison DuBois, Sylvia Browne, Carla Baron, John Edward, and others if they can prove their abilities in controlled experiments.

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Catholicism beyond the abuse – Understanding their real agenda and how they operate

There are claims that Catholicism holds the high-moral ground. We are all familiar with the rhetoric (I assume), it is a central part of their belief. They basically advocate that we are all wicked and evil, and so are destined for everlasting hell, but that can be resolved if you just embrace their beliefs and join, and yes, if you stop and think about it, it is not only archaic, but is also a truly daft idea.

Curious why I have not signed up? Well to join I need to accept that a supernatural entity gave birth to itself so that it could then kill itself as a sacrifice to itself in order to appease its own anger towards all of us because a mythological ancestor of ours was tricked by a talking snake.!! I’m no longer that gullible (I once was) … and yet millions of smart decent ordinary folks still embrace all this and more … why?

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Planet of the Apes is a documentary … apparently!!

While waiting to catch a flight this morning, I surfed through a few Facebook groups to see what was cooking. There is one I’m in that can be quite entertaining at times. Now, if you think that there is nobody on the planet loonier than the batshit crazy Christian fundamentalists, well you would be wrong, because the Islamic folks can offer up even crazier stuff. (Its almost akin to watching a car crash at times).

One chap  arguing against evolution proposed that it was crazy to even consider the possibility that we had evolved from apes, and offered as evidence the suggestion that folks should go watch “Planet of the Apes”. …<thud> … Yes, indeed, that sound you just heard consisted of many jaws hitting the floor. There is so much in that thought that is so out of whack with reality that what he was saying was not just ‘wrong’. Normally you can perhaps suggest that we did not evolve from apes, but rather that we and the apes share a common ancestor … but for fracks sake, where can you even begin when faced with somebody who thinks “Planet of the Apes” is akin to a documentary.

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