Antarctic Sea-Ice at mind blowing low


The word “record breaking” is really not a turn of phrase you want to hear when it comes to climate change, and yet here we are. This has been applied, not just to one or two things, but rather disturbingly, to rather a lot of recent events. Now, here we are with one more shattered … Read more

Jaw Dropping lawsuit filed against AFA Hate group by long term employee

The American Family Association name sounds like a warm cuddly group. Don’t however let that name fool you, instead judge them by their actual actions. In reality they are a group of right-wing religious fanatics who devote vast sums of money attacking the basic human rights of marginalised people. Based out of Tupelo, Mississippi they tick … Read more

Artist Conference bullied into shutting down by Fanatical Christians

Over in Bledsoe, Kentucky there has been an incident that truly merits a bit of attention. It concerns a shutting down of an artistic conference by some fanatical Christians. OK, I can hear your thoughts, you are thinking that nudity was involved, or something along those lines … right? Nope, this was nothing like that … Read more