What is the COVID-19 death rate?
Knowing the COVID-19 Fatality Rate is very important. It tells us how seriously we should take it and how to respond. What is that rate?
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
Knowing the COVID-19 Fatality Rate is very important. It tells us how seriously we should take it and how to respond. What is that rate?
Latest Pew Poll illustrates that the lines that divide the US electorate are increasingly racial, educational and religious.
Wingnut weekly – a selection of weirdness from the past week that emanates from a blend of religious Fundamentalism with right-wing politics
Some updates on QAnon; Election to Congress of candadiate running on QAnon platform, and also the emergence of the Church of QAnon.
Not too long ago the tabloids promoted a claim that NASA had evidence of a reverse-time parallel universe. What is the real story there?
Has there been any peer-reviewed research conducted into the effectiveness of the Lockdown policies? Some might seriously wonder if it has all been for nothing. Most would more reasonably conclude that it has been effective, but would be hard-pressed to put a precise number on it. If we turn to the scientific literature, there has … Read more