Fake News Update: Twitter Bans 7,000 QAnon accounts
Twitter has taken the bold step of removing thousands of QAnon accounts. What is the backstory here, why have they done this?
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
Twitter has taken the bold step of removing thousands of QAnon accounts. What is the backstory here, why have they done this?
The Guardian reports that as many as 25% of climate related tweets are bots. How can you tell if a twitter account is human or a bot?
Anti-vaxxer group asks for term “anti-vaxxer” to be dropped. Thousands quite rightly ridicule them because 140,000 died last year from measles
What is a trollbot, and what are they currently being deployed to do on social media platforms? How can we actually see what is happening?
Tweets have been circulating on social media declaring that June 2019 was the hottest month ever recorded. For example … So was it? Quick Answer: Nope. Slightly longer answer is this correction from Climatologist Michael E Mann … But how do we know? The alpha source for all of the latest “Hottest” claims comes from … Read more
Now that the dust has settled a little and the media frenzy has died down, I’d like to focus on it all by examining a few of the claims that have been tossed around within the twitter maelstrom. People tweet racist stuff all the time, so why all the focus? It is different for various … Read more