What happens to UK Science after the #BREXIT shock?

“WE can go it alone, we don’t need them” has been a LEAVE stance, and yet if the UK is indeed to thrive outside the EU then there will need to be a considerable scientific investment to make up for the sudden absence of EU funding. It also of course goes way beyond the pure … Read more

Why is having a gun in your home a really really bad idea?

On a business trip to the US, I was invited by one chap into his home, and at some point the topic of guns came up. Not being a US citizen, he was curious to solicit my views. He was clearly pro-gun and had some rather strong ideas, and so being a polite guest I … Read more

What happens now that #BREXIT has become a reality? – #EURef

(Rant Mode on) I never believed it and simply did not grasp that it would actually happen. Why not? Well because I simply did not think that we had a sufficiently large enough number of utterly stupid people who were so bereft of any and all common sense that they were unable to see that the LEAVE … Read more

The #BREXIT Delusion

This is a topic that might indeed cause many eyes to glaze over, and so perhaps that especially applies to those that do not live in the UK. Since I do, then it is time for me to chip in with my 2c worth on #Brexit, and I guess my title gives a subtle clue regarding my … Read more

Is Coffee good or bad for you and does it cause cancer?

Did you know that coffee was part of the Group 2b list of foods that are “carcinogenic to humans”? (Group 2b meant that officially it “possibly” caused cancer). Well if you did, and still drank it, then you can now rest a tad easier. This is because WHO have now removed it from that list. You can … Read more

Gun Control .. the Onion Nails it

The Onion is of course satire and yet beautifully nails it in one … It’s An Honor To Continue Being Valued Over Countless Human Lives An AR-15 Look, I’m not the type who needs constant validation, and I have never sought preferential treatment from anyone. I just try to focus on doing what I do … Read more