Is it possible for Atheists to celebrate Christmas?
Is Christmas the exclusive preserve for those that are religious, or is it something else, a time for all of us to pause mark a new year?
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
Is Christmas the exclusive preserve for those that are religious, or is it something else, a time for all of us to pause mark a new year?
The BBC’s Specialist disinformation reporter, Marianna Spring, has posted a great article titled “How should you talk to friends and relatives who believe conspiracy theories?“. Well yes. A pre-Tier4 article. Those living in Tier4 areas will no longer get to spend Christmas with their beloved but quite dotty Aunty Vax. It is still very good … Read more
What has been happening with QAnon believers over the past week, when new insights of utter lunacy do we have from the mythlogical Q-verse?
What is the Parler social media platform all about? The answer is that it is basically the social media urinal. Fear and misformation abound.
Fox News Republicans are a separate demographic. They are literally batshit crazy radicals when compared to normal Republicans. #FakeNews
QAnon is basically the result of inequality, pandemic, climate and general dystopia driving lots of people over the edge and into a delusion.