How do the Fact Checkers actually Fact Check?

how do the fact checkers fact check fake news

We all know that misinformation and disinformation abounds and is currently running rampant. Thankfully there are also some very useful resources that can really help: To be specific, I mean the fact-checkers. Well-known examples of organizations that are wholly and completely focused on fact-checking include …  PolitiFact  Snopes etc… There are of course many … Read more

What happens when a Fox News viewer stops watching?

fox news

The term “Fox News Viewer” generally is a quip deployed to describe people who are completely decoupled from reality and instead live within a carefully crafted bubble of disinformation. Everybody knows this, apart from Fox News viewers, it is not exactly a state secret. What made recent headlines on April 4 were a couple of … Read more

What do people really think about Religious objections to vaccines?

Army Spc. Angel Laureano holds a vial of the COVID-19 vaccine, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, Md., Dec. 14, 2020. (DoD photo by Lisa Ferdinando)

To answer the question in the title we can of course speculate, offer an opinion, or even try a straw poll or our own. None of that is necessary now because, on March 31, 2022, Pew published a poll that gives us a fascinating insight. The title gives the game away, it is “Americans skeptical … Read more

Do Stormy Daniels’ beliefs make her unfit to testify in lawsuit?

Stormy Daniels

I’m building up to a rather interesting question – what makes somebody unfit to testify? The twist in play here is that an argument is being made that simply holding a few unusual beliefs is sufficient. First, let’s play catchup. The name “Stormy Daniels” will be familiar. She became famous for being “friendly” with you … Read more

Scam Alert: The Human Remains Detector

Over in East Tennessee a guy named Art Bohanan has created what he calls “The Human Remains Detector”. To demonstrate how it works he went with the media to an old cemetery in Knoxville and proceeded to find bones beneath his feet. This happened last Dec 2021. A local news outlet ran the story and … Read more

How to cope with kids who embrace conspiracy theories?

conspiracy theory

Published within the British Journal of Developmental Psychology is a study that reveals that kids are prime targets for fake news. One word … “Yikes!”. Titled “Measuring adolescents’ beliefs in conspiracy theories: Development and validation of the Adolescent Conspiracy Beliefs Questionnaire” the open access paper reveals that a team of researchers created and then validated … Read more