Oklahoma Wants Teachers to beat disabled kids into submission

Currently it is legal for teachers in Oklahoma to punish students by physically beating them into submission. There is however a legal exception. Students who are defied as having “the most significant cognitive disabilities” are out of scope; teachers can’t legally beat them. Republican State Rep. John Talley came up with a rather good idea, namely … Read more

Many people now Hate Evangelicals

Pew just released a new survey that checks to see how we all feel about various religious groups. Dated March 15, you can find their report here. Pro Tip: If, for any survey, you can’t find such details, or you can’t work out exactly how they ran the survey, then you should be extremely skeptical … Read more

Being F**ked by Jesus

This is not a posting about somebody having a really bad religious experience, nor is it surreal poetry. Instead, it is about a pastor who has grasped the familiar “Bride of Christ” imagery that exists within the bible and then proceeded to run hard and fast with it as Christian Porn. Beyond the bizarreness, it … Read more

The Rise and Fall of Creationist Kent Hovind

Young Earth Creationist Kent Hovind is perhaps best known as the guy who runs the dollar store Dinosaur Adventure Land that is located behind his home in Pensacola Florida. The big one is of course Ken Ham’s one hundred million dollar Ark Encounter located in Williamstown, KY. Ken’s theology, like Hovind’s, is founded upon a … Read more

Weird Law: New Montana Bill proposes to ban all Scientific Theories

With the fresh intake of Republicans now manifesting I was perhaps convinced that the Nebraska draft bill that seeks to ban kids attending drag show story hours in libraries was the weirdest bit of legislation for this new session. Nope, I was oh so very wrong to think that. This new example takes utterly crass … Read more

Nebraska Lawmaker responds to Anti-Drag bill with clever amendment

Imagine you have been elected to a state legislative body. You are a member of the minority party. The majority feel that they can do whatever the hell they want and so proceed to launch some utterly batshit crazy bills. Since you are part of the minority you don’t have enough votes, so what can … Read more

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