QAnon Watch – Update Jan 8, 2020
What has been happening with #QAnon believers over the past week, what new insights of utter lunacy do we have from the mythlogical Q-verse?
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
What has been happening with #QAnon believers over the past week, what new insights of utter lunacy do we have from the mythlogical Q-verse?
What has been happening with #QAnon believers over the past week, what new insights of utter lunacy do we have from the mythlogical Q-verse?
The BBC’s Specialist disinformation reporter, Marianna Spring, has posted a great article titled “How should you talk to friends and relatives who believe conspiracy theories?“. Well yes. A pre-Tier4 article. Those living in Tier4 areas will no longer get to spend Christmas with their beloved but quite dotty Aunty Vax. It is still very good … Read more
What has been happening with QAnon believers over the past week, when new insights of utter lunacy do we have from the mythlogical Q-verse?
Haim Eshed, a professor and retired Israeli space security chief, claims that the UFO phenomenon is real. Is he a credible reliable source?
There are media stories about a study that verifies that Mouthwash kills COVID-19. What does this study really establish?