Are Atheists smarter than Religious people?

There is a prevailing thought that Atheists tend to be smarter than religious people. Is this just a belief based upon anecdotal observations or is it actually true? To put that question another way, I used to be religious, today I’m not. Does that imply that I have have become a lot smarter? There does … Read more

Oklahoma Wants Teachers to beat disabled kids into submission

Currently it is legal for teachers in Oklahoma to punish students by physically beating them into submission. There is however a legal exception. Students who are defied as having “the most significant cognitive disabilities” are out of scope; teachers can’t legally beat them. Republican State Rep. John Talley came up with a rather good idea, namely … Read more

Solid Proof that Parachutes Don’t Work

Let’s make something clear up front, this article is not actually about Parachutes. There is something far more serious coming up, so stick with me here. I will however say that the parachute study is quite real. Within the British Medical Journal there is research paper titled “Parachute use to prevent death and major trauma … Read more

Why do some hold Paranormal Beliefs while others don’t?

Life after death, ghosts, gods, aliens, near-death experiences, and other similar beliefs all are topics that have no robust objective evidence. Such topics tend to reach a balance. There is just enough noise floating about to convince those that believe in the reality of it all, yet nothing conclusive ever emerges that is sufficient to … Read more

Does Bigfoot really exist, what do we know?

Bigfoot! … Why am I covering a very old topic? Basically because something new has happened. There is a recently published scientific paper that has a bit of a reveal with a fascinating insight. Now, before we go there let’s just go over the basics. Much of this is of course well known. This is … Read more

Climate Updates: The Past, The Present, & The Future

This week I have three distinct climate updates … Let’s take them one by one. Oil giant ExxonMobile had very accurate predictions for climate change in 1970s If you dig a bit into the history of our modern understanding of climate change then one name that will pop up is James Hansen. In the1980s he … Read more