Did Climate Change cause Australia’s bushfires?
Is there scientific data that confirms that anthropogenic climate change is the root cause of the Australian bushfires?
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
Is there scientific data that confirms that anthropogenic climate change is the root cause of the Australian bushfires?
New study reveals how global coastlines will be impacted by Climate Change. We face the loss of 35-49% of sandy beaches by 2100
The WMO, a UN body, has forecast abovage average temperatures for the next few months even without an El Niño event to boast the climate.
A 2019 report on the CO2 impact of streaming is cited by many media sources. It is seriously flawed and wrong.
We now have before and after Satallite images of what happened during the record breaking heatwave in Antarctica between 5-13 Feb
The Guardian reports that as many as 25% of climate related tweets are bots. How can you tell if a twitter account is human or a bot?