Synthetic Humans is now becoming a real possibility.

We have read the entire human genome, and so now a new project has been initiated to take the next step. There is now a 10 year plan to create an entire synthetic human genome. We have been pouring over the billions of base pairs within the human genome for some time now and that … Read more

Is Coffee good or bad for you and does it cause cancer?

Did you know that coffee was part of the Group 2b list of foods that are “carcinogenic to humans”? (Group 2b meant that officially it “possibly” caused cancer). Well if you did, and still drank it, then you can now rest a tad easier. This is because WHO have now removed it from that list. You can … Read more

Four New Elements

The Periodic Table has been extended and we now have four new elements on it. Here is an illustration of them (via Phil Plate) … The Official Press Release So who gets to pick such things? The answer is that the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) does this, and the process involved is … Read more

Do we have any Credible UFO Claims?

As a kid I loved the idea of UFOs and so I fed myself on a constant diet of stuff gleaned from bookstores that would weave tales of ancient and modern aliens visitors, and I do not mean just the science fiction, but the claims of supposedly real aliens. It was all stuff that made many professionals familiar … Read more

Can you safely Hack your sleeping pattern?

It is commonly understood that humans need to sleep roughly about 7-9 hours each night. That of course is not a one size fits all, it varies with age – a newborn will be in the range of 11-19 hours, teens 7-11 hours, and the over 65 5-9 hours. Have we always had one continuous sleep cycle? Historian Roger … Read more

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