#Climate Scientists Admit they were wrong


Twenty years ago back in 1998 an article was published in Nature in which climate scientists presented data that confirmed that the observed warming was unprecedented in at least six centuries… Global-scale temperature patterns and climate forcing over the past six centuries This year those same scientists have published an article in Nature that admits … Read more

What happened at the UNFCC Climate Conference?

climate conference

The short summary is this – progress was made, but it is simply not enough to address the galloping pace of climate change. What has been agreed is not pointless, it does help, and yet which would you rather be, nearly saved or nearly drowned. Durwood Zaelke, president of the Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development, … Read more

Arctic Report Card: It’s worse than you think


Starting in 2006 an annual Arctic report card has been published by NOAA. The 2018 Report card is now available, and it is not exactly good news. The more appropriate word is perhaps “dire”. The 2018 Report Card Here is a brief summary of it all … Highlights Surface air temperatures in the Arctic continued to … Read more

Disruption at Climate Conference in Poland


Almost every nation on the planet has delegates at the Climate Change conference that is currently taking place in Katowice, Poland. They are all there in an attempt to tackle the biggest crises that our species has ever faced – climate change. One group, acting out of utter ignorance and stupidity, has turned up with a … Read more

Climate Change and Extinction


A common rebuttal to the current concern regarding the observed climate changes that are upon us is “Oh but the climate is always changing, this is nothing new, it has been worse in the past“. There is nothing “natural” about what is currently being measured and observed, we know with a high degree of certainty … Read more

Melting of Greenland ice is ‘off the charts,’ study shows


A new study that has just been published in Nature reveals that something dramatic is happening in Greenland. The title of the study is “Nonlinear rise in Greenland runoff in response to post-industrial Arctic warming“. When you are talking about a measurement of meltwater from a body of ice that by itself contains enough water … Read more