How far back can we measure CO2 ?
New Study reveals that today’s CO2 levels are actually higher than they have been for the past 23 million years. How did they work that out?
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
New Study reveals that today’s CO2 levels are actually higher than they have been for the past 23 million years. How did they work that out?
Estimates for the decline of CO2 due to lockdown have been published in Nature. What does this reveal, and what do we do now?
MIT has launched a new Climate Science portal. It is an excellent basic primer in the science of climate. You should check it out.
Climate Change could cause an ancient pattern similar to El Niño in the Indian Ocean to reawaken. It would throw weather into disarray
There is a limit to the amount of heat humans can tolerate. Beyond that limit we die. Climate change means we are reaching that limit in some regions.
The 2020 Hurricane Season forecast predicts that we face a Hyperactive Atlantic Hurricane season. In a warming world there are consequences.