What do the The Latest Cancer Statistics tell us?


The quick summary is that this is a good news story, the number of people dying of cancer each and every year is declining. We know this because each year, the American Cancer Society estimates the numbers of new cases and deaths that will occur in the United States and compiles the most recent data … Read more

Just how risky is alcohol?


Now that the media storm has blown over it is time to bite the bullet and dig a small bit into the latest Lancet article on alcohol that came out on 23rd August. It has been generally believed that a glass or two, and no more is actually beneficial. For example a study into individuals … Read more

Is Coffee drinking associated with a longer life?


Many of us drink rather a lot of coffee. Warning, I’m not an exception to that, I guess I do have a bias here since I consume lots of it. Interestingly enough, some don’t. I do once recall meeting a biochemist who insisted that he never drank it because he was aware of all the … Read more