Weekly Weird Religious News

weird religious news

Normally this is a weekly posting, but I skipped doing it last week because I was at QED. So what happens this week, will I scan over 14 days worth of news, or will I simply stick to looking back over 7 days? I’ll stick to scanning over the past 7 days. If I had … Read more

Weekly Weird Religious News

weird religious news

You might wonder if I ever reach a point where I am not actually shocked by some of the truly weird things that are inspired and justified in the name of religion. I do confess that I wonder if such a point will ever be reached, and yet when tempted to think along those lines, … Read more

Weekly Weird Religious News

weird religious news

The vast majority of humans, with or without a specific religious belief, are in general normal decent people. The religious ones enjoy the festivals, and also go through the religious rituals because they are in the club, but tend not to take it too seriously. There is however a smaller subset who take culturally inherited … Read more

Weekly Weird Religious News

weird religious news - darwin banned in Turkish education

When thinking about weird religious news during the past seven days, perhaps one of the weirdest to go public was yet another end-of-the-world prediction. The weird bit is not that the prediction popped up, but rather that some took it seriously and some media outlets vigorously promoted it. Since I’ve already blogged earlier in the week … Read more

Weekly Weird Religious News – 17th Sep 2017

I’m quite happy for people to believe whatever they wish to believe, and to practise that. If however such beliefs are promoted into the public square, and I am faced with demands that I should conform to these beliefs, then the gloves are off and I will happily mock the promoted silliness and encourage others … Read more

Hurricanes – How you can really help?

hurricane charity

The practical tips on how to really help via a good charity are further down. First comes a bit of fun that points out some of the utterly absurd and quite frankly daft claims from the more extreme fringes of the religious community. Being faced with such silly claims from con men who are using … Read more