Top 3 Items of Religious Weirdness in 2017

religious weirdness trump support

Normally, once per week, I write up a posting that spotlights my personal selection of the top three items of religiously inspired weirdness that happened during the past seven days. Today however, for rather obvious reasons, I’m looking back over the past calendar year to pick out the top three items of religious weirdness. Rather … Read more

Do we live in a Hologram?

For those wanting the quick answer – so far the actual evidence for this, and that includes the above claim, is no. So the above appeared within my Facebook feed and the context was a group that claims to debunk both evolution and atheism. The guy posting it is deeply religious and also posted it … Read more

Weekly Weird Religious News

Now that the holiday season is in full swing do we find that the religious community stops making utterly absurd claims and suggestions? Oh come now, I’m sure you can guess the answer. Least I am now holding you in suspense because you are not sure what the answer might be, then here now (below) … Read more

Weekly Weird Religious News

This week my Weekly Weird Religious News posting will be an Alabama election special. As you can perhaps anticipate there has been much religiously inspired weirdness that quite naturally pops up in the news cycle when a complete lunatic takes centre stage. To our universal relief, he lost, so clearly the majority of people in … Read more

Weekly World Religious News

Abuse is the theme this week. Over and over, stories of religious abuse emerge. People in positions of trust continue to abuse such positions and often the religious response is to cover it all up and pretend it has not happened. During the past seven days the following tragic stories have emerged. Item 1 – Pastor … Read more

Weekly Weird Religious News – Roy Moore special edition

It is perhaps almost inevitable for Roy Moore to pop up in the weekly weird religious news. As the modern incarnation of rather extreme right-wing “Christian” values, he has garnered rather a lot of popular support from right-wing evangelicals despite the mounting and very believable evidence via multiple sources that he is rather fond of … Read more

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