Weird Religious News – The Demise of a reputable Impartial Supreme Court

weird religious news

In this week’s weird religious news posting we can see that the highly politicised right-wing believers were operating on a frenzied overdrive during the past week. They now have what the want – a dishonest corrupt judge sitting on the supreme court. The issue is not just about what he did as a teen, but … Read more

Weird Religious News – #SoWhat?

It is inevitable that within this week’s edition of weird religious news, Brett Kavanaugh is very much the focus. An understanding of what is going on starts with this question – Why have evangelicals tossed their values under the bus? The answer is that they want a supreme court that is populated with right-wing candidates … Read more

Weird Religious News – Kavanaugh

When it comes to the concept of weird religious news, then perhaps nothing really tops the ongoing support that the religious right continue to grant to the incompetent buffoon and self-confessed sexual predator who currently sits in the Oval Office. This is supposedly because St Trump is, in their eyes, God’s anointed and specially chosen. … Read more

Majority of UK population have no religious belief

The UK’s National Center for Social Research have just issued a press release with the latest numbers on 7th September. These numbers reflect data gathered in 2017. As data is processed they tend to dribble out insights and so this latest press release is part of that process. What are the latest highlights? Well yes, I … Read more

Weird Religious News

If you had the goal of simply making up some absurd claims for a collection of weekly weird religious news stories, then you would truly struggle. The actual reality of the behaviour and claims being uttered by the religious right-wing on a daily basis would offer some very stiff competition. Don’t take my word on … Read more

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