Stupidity Incarnate: Petition to ban Good Omens
The news is that a Christian Group launched a petition to ban “Good Omens”. Unfortunately for them then completely screwed it up.
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
The news is that a Christian Group launched a petition to ban “Good Omens”. Unfortunately for them then completely screwed it up.
About one year ago cartoonist Rob Rogers was fired by the @PittsburghPG for the “crime” of daring to draw editorial cartoons that mocked Trump. The above is an example of one of his pieces that was deemed to be too offensive. This was after a long 25 year career. His criticism was not simply fiction, … Read more
Here is this week’s selection of the flow of weird that emminates from that blend of fundamentalist religion with right-wing politics.
Young Earth Creationist Ken Ham has published a posting in which he explains that he rejects flat-earth because it is “not scientific”
Here is this week’s selection of the flow of weird that emminates from that blend of fundamentalist religion with right-wing politics.
A new Templeton funded study attempts to understand atheists. Their $2.8 million has bought them the revelation that Atheists are normal.