Students have rights, their beliefs don’t.

Rory Fenton, president of the National Federation of Atheist, Humanist and Secular Student Societies (AHS) in the UK, has a great article in the HuffPo all about what has been going on. After the rather dire actions executed by those attempting to protect specific religious students from having their beliefs criticised, the latest update is in fact … Read more

Bodies of 800 babies, long-dead, found in septic tank at former Irish home for unwed mothers

I simply cannot let this pass without saying something, especially since I am myself born and bred in Ireland. As you are no doubt aware, a rather horrendous discovery has been recently made, a rather large number of unidentified remains were discovered in a water tank close to the Tuam mother-and-baby home in Galway.  So how did all this come … Read more

Debate: Matt Dillahunty vs Sye Ten Bruggencate

I must confess that I quite enjoy debates, but at the same time recognise they are not everybody’s cup of tea. Perhaps my interest stems from the thought that all ideas should be robustly challenged, especially those that I hold. But then I do also like to view it as an opportunity to potentially gain additional insights into what makes those with religious beliefs tick. … Read more

Sometimes Satire really is the best form of criticism

Lurking out there are people who hold some very extreme and completely insane views. This ranges right across the diversity of belief and includes weirdness such as: Westboro Baptist church protesting outside a department store in their home town because it just happened to sell Swedish made vacuum cleaners. Apparently the Swedish government had rebuked … Read more

Meriam Ibrahim not being released

News has been circulating in the media that Meriam Ibrahim, the woman under sentence of death in Sudan for marrying a Christian, is to be released. For example … BBC here Guardian here Sadly this is not true, her lawyer has advised Channel 4 as follows … Ms Ibrahim’s lawyer Elshareef Ali Elshareef Mohammed told Channel 4 … Read more

Dr Murdered for simply having the wrong belief

In yet another example that confirm’s Pakistan’s descent into complete and utter lunacy, Dr Mehdi Ali (pictured above), an American volunteer cardiologist was shot dead in Pakistan yesterday. What happened, was this a robbery, or an act of random violence against a stranger? No, this was a planned assassination. Dr Ali’s “crime” in the eyes of the … Read more