Weekly Weird Religious News – Roy Moore special edition

weekly weird religious news

It is perhaps almost inevitable for Roy Moore to pop up in the weekly weird religious news. As the modern incarnation of rather extreme right-wing “Christian” values, he has garnered rather a lot of popular support from right-wing evangelicals despite the mounting and very believable evidence via multiple sources that he is rather fond of … Read more

Weekly Weird Religious News

Previously the selection of my personal top three items of religious weirdness have perhaps been dominated by US religious weirdness each week. So what happens if I apply a US filter this week, will I be left bereft and find nothing to choose because the US has a monopoly on religious weirdness? In a word … Read more

Are some people born religious?

There has been some previous research that suggested that people who hold strong religious beliefs are more intuitive and less analytical, and when they think more analytically their religious beliefs decrease. This opens up an interesting question – are they born that way, or do they simply inherit this modality? It is a rather fundamental Nurture … Read more

Why are Christians in the US the most persecuted minority?

The Psychologist Valerie Tarico wrote an interesting article in RawStory last Sept entitled … Here’s why right-wing Christians think they are America’s most persecuted In there she discusses the truly weird belief that a recent poll found within the right-wing belief community … A recent Pew study found that white American Evangelical Christians think they experience … Read more

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