Wingnut Weekly – 20 Oct 2019
Wingnut weekly – a selection of weirdness from the past week that emminates from a blend of religious Fundamentalism with right-wing politics
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
Wingnut weekly – a selection of weirdness from the past week that emminates from a blend of religious Fundamentalism with right-wing politics
When faced with the various wingnut proclamations then you do have to seriously wonder who they are attempting to communicate with. The gullible and the easily manipulated is the most viable answer. Nobody else can take such ideas seriously. During the past week we have been given the strong suggestion that Trump should execute his … Read more
The Highly political and very dubious Nobel Peace prize for 2019 has been announced. Was it a good choice or a bizarre selection this year?
So what have we got this week from the Wingnut brigade, is it lot’s of sensible reasonable rational stuff for a change? Nope. Yes indeed, I’ll paint you completely unsurprised. It is the usual batshit insanity; Trump is claimed to be “Christ-like”, Hilary supposedly drinks lots of blood, and Democrats apparently worship the demon god … Read more
Over the last three decades a new demographic has emerged – the nones. Why are people who associate with being not religious increasing?
For quite literally millions, Trump has been supposedly chosen by a God to serve in office. Those making that claim do indeed truly merit the wingnut badge. I’m not exactly sure how the “especially chosen” claim works. Are they seriously claiming that a God rigged the ballots, or that we don’t have free will? We … Read more