Please help Raif Badawi – #FreeRaif – Prisoner of Conscience

Saudi Arabian blogger Raif Badawi continues to face 950 lashes and a decade in prison – simply for calling for free speech. The UK government has so far failed to call for Raif’s freedom, despite knowing of and speaking on his case – alongside a visit to Saudi Arabia by the Prime Minister. Ask our … Read more

Richard Dawkins gets “Love Letters” (Be warned NSFW and yes it is comedy gold)

OK, nothing too serious today, but instead a bit of entertainment. Because he is rather well-known, Richard Dawkins, tends to attract some rather amusing “fan mail” from those who vigorously disagree with him … except of course, being more that a tad eccentric, their strident and rather abusive criticism is actually quite entertaining. So dive in and … Read more

Conversations with an ex-radical Islamist – Why did he change his mind?

Maajid Nawaz (pictured above), a former radical Islamist, now a liberal counter-extremism activist, and author of his autobiographical book ‘Radical’ , held an AMA (ask me anything) over at /reddit/r/books a few days ago, here are some of the questions and answers from that session. The Introduction to the AMA opened with this … My name … Read more

I’m a Christian Business and I want to fire a pregnant non-Christian employee

Now be warned, I have some serious doubts that this is real, and I would advise an appropriate degree of caution being applied, I strongly suspect somebody manufactured this to simply stir up a bit of attention. So the story is that an anonymous poster popped up on Reddit seeking legal guidance, in fact here … Read more

What is the very Best way to respond when faced with Bigotry and hatred?

Derren Brown, the famous illusionist, came out as gay back in 2007. At the time the rather inevitable happened; because he is famous, some of the tabloids ran with it …. In 2007 he did a “discreet” interview with The Independent where he officially came out.  “If you don’t do anything at all then suddenly it’s … Read more

Letting go of religious hatred – escaping into a better world

At a deep psychological level people tend to flow with the cultural tide, and so we have the observation that the religious belief people embrace tells us a great deal about their geographical location and the micro-cultures they inhabit, and not much else. Those born into a Sunni family will generally tend to be Sunni … Read more

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