Who is John Day?

It was my privilege to visit the John Day Fossil Beds in east-central Oregon. As part of that visit, one specific question arose that has an answer that is simply hilarious. Who is John Day? My daughter’s immediate suggestion is that he was most probably some “privileged rich white guy” who made a large enough … Read more

Top 3 Weekly Weird Religious News Items

Each and every week I compose a random sampling of three news items that throw a spotlight upon some religiously inspired lunacy that has popped up during the past seven days. Here is my selection of the top 3 for this week (ending Sun 13th Aug 2017). The individuals highlighted are generally not bad people, … Read more

What is going to happen at the 2018 Midterm US elections?

There is perhaps one good aspect that can indeed be attributed to Trump. He has been a very positive source of inspiration and motivation for many, not by design, but by just being himself. Basically the field of Democratic candidates for election in 2018 is fast filling up with young dynamic non-traditional people who would … Read more

The Religious Right’s Support for Trump

I don’t normally dip my toe into the political waters, but since we live in an age where the current administration views Scientists as the enemy, and evidence based Climate Science as a myth, it perhaps becomes inevitable. While many at the time of the election did support him, much has happened since then and … Read more

Support for Creationism is declining

Since yesterday was an “Ark Special” posting all about the latest antics at the Answer in Genesis Ark Encounter, it is perhaps appropriate to follow that up with an update on who might take a belief in a 6,000 year old earth seriously. Gallup Data – May 2017 The latest polling data reveals the following … Read more

How can you effectively resist Trump?

If you have ever wondered how to effectively resist and protest against Trump then a great place to start is a recent article by Nicholas Kristof, a Pulitzer Prize winning New York Times columnist, who covers topics such as human rights abuses and social injustices. The question to ponder over is how to resist in a … Read more

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