How common are “new age” beliefs?

new age

First let’s define what the term “new age belief” means. It is basically a catch-all term that involves a belief in non-traditional supernatural claims such as reincarnation, astrology, psychics and the presence of spiritual energy in physical objects like mountains or trees. The term “New Age” harks back to the 1970s movements that embraced such ideas … Read more

Nobel Prize 2018 – Peace

If you want to know about this year’s Nobel Peace winner, just jump around my preamble by scrolling down. What does it even mean? Unlike the science based award, the Nobel Peace prize is highly political. Sometimes they get it right, and sometimes very very wrong. Let’s mull over this for a bit. The “Peace” … Read more

Why is there no 2018 Nobel Prize for Literature?


Normally I would be posting the details of the Nobel Prize for Literature about now, but this year there is no Nobel prize for Literature, it has been cancelled; what the heck is going on? There has been rather a lot of drama, what has been happening might even qualify at the plot of a … Read more

Nobel Prize 2018: Medicine


Once again the time of year when the most prestigious award, the Nobel Prize, spotlights individuals who have contributed to our understanding. Yesterday, Mon 1st Oct, kicked off the proceedings with the following press release details … The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2018 The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2018 was awarded … Read more

Mythology – Dr Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh

Brett Kavanaugh

Much has been said and no doubt much more will be said, yet I can’t hold back and do need to point out the rather glaring elephant that sits in the room. The Dr Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh hearings are generating quite a lot of Alternative Facts,  we can see this happing in real-time … Read more

IgNobel 2018 – Funny and Fascinating – #IgNobel


Since 1991 we have seen the announcement of the IgNobel awards every September. This parody of the far more serious Nobel Prize is where the science community pauses to laugh at itself by granting awards at a formal ceremony held at MIT. Prizes go to the weirdest bits of real published research. This is not … Read more