Does hydroxychloriquine work against COVID-19?
hydroxychloriquine has been promoted by Trump as a COVID-19 cure and has taken it himself. Does it actually work, what does the evidence say?
Promoting Science and Critical Thinking
hydroxychloriquine has been promoted by Trump as a COVID-19 cure and has taken it himself. Does it actually work, what does the evidence say?
Pew ran poll asking – “who gets ventilators when there are not enough of them?”. Majority of Non-religious went with most ethical solution.
What is perhaps inevitable is that when some major event happens, conspiracy theories and myths take off. This is not unique to COVID-19, it happens with any and every major event. It might be tempting to simply roll your eyes and ignore it, but not addressing some of these myths will indeed have consequences. Take … Read more
For rather obvious reasons I’m posting some basic guidance. There is of course plenty of very good advice and guidance from many sources. In this case, I’m shamelessly cutting and pasting directly from the CDC. Why them? Because they are the subject matter experts. Right now is the time we should pay very close attention … Read more
Why do some find alternative medicine quackery more attractive than well-proven mainstream medicine, and what can be done to address that?
“perineum sunning” is a hot new craze. Letting the sun shine where it usually does not is really not a good idea. Claims made for this are BS