IgNobel 2018 – Funny and Fascinating – #IgNobel


Since 1991 we have seen the announcement of the IgNobel awards every September. This parody of the far more serious Nobel Prize is where the science community pauses to laugh at itself by granting awards at a formal ceremony held at MIT. Prizes go to the weirdest bits of real published research. This is not … Read more

Michelle Wolf at White House Correspondent’s dinner – #WHCD

Michelle Wolf

Comedian Michelle Wolf delivered a glorious standup routine at the annual Whitehouse Correspondent’s dinner. You most probably heard that she did this, and perhaps also picked up a few snippets from it. It is simply too good to let it slip by without underlining it, and so here it is in full. (Video and also … Read more

April Fools in the age of #FakeNews

april fools

Given the date yesterday then below are a few of the tweets and stories that amused me, but also a few thoughts as well. I must confess that in an age where #FakeNews has been weaponised April Fools day does perhaps have a darker side that we were not aware of in a more innocent … Read more

John Oliver and #MarlonBundo goes viral

Marlon Bundo

So the story here is that Mike Pence, the vocally anti gay rights VP, is backing a children’s story written by his daughter about his pet rabbit Marlon Bundo. John Oliver’s team wrote and published a similar book with a similar look and feel, but in their case Marlon Bundo is a gay rabbit. Proceeds from … Read more