FREE Skeptical book on Amazon: “How do we know what is really true?”

Yes, its a shameless book plug today – my own to be precise. I’ve published the first skeptical byte in what I hope will be a long series on the Amazon kindle store. Since this is the first, I’ve started with a rather fundamental question, “How do we know what is really true?” Answering such a question … Read more

Which is best, being right or the truth?

When faced with the question, “Which is best, being right or the truth?“, the answer might appear to be obvious, most would suggest that “truth” is what they strive for, yet in the real world most also appear to have a rather strong bias towards being right as their top priority. So what am I … Read more

Egyptian statue moves by itself … is it “possessed” or is it something else?

It has gone a bit viral, a 4000 Year Old Egyptian statue in a Manchester museum in the UK has been reported to be moving on its own, and so now everybody is chipping in with suggestions. OK, so when I say statue, I’m not talking life-size, it is only a 10-inch tall statue of … Read more

Wine-tasting … even the supposed experts are fooled.

There are many things that quite a lot of people now know are complete nonsense … astrology, homoeopathy  psychics, etc… Why? Well because when you test them in a truly double-blind scientific manner you eliminate the normal human bias, and soon discover in a consistent manner that the claim asserted is not true. You will of … Read more

Attempt to live on Just Light fails – Not really a surprise for most of us

Naveena Shine, (yes that really is her name), has attempted to go for 100 days without eating to prove that humans can “live on light”. Seriously! Yes indeed, she believes that it is possible for human beings to survive without food and so conducted what she described as an experiment to prove it. So how did it … Read more

Prayer – How can it possibly work, the concept is incompatible with a God Hypothesis

When faced with circumstances or events that are completely beyond our control, war, disaster, accident, or health challenges, involving either ourselves or others, then a quite common human instinct is to attempt to gain control of the completely uncontrollable by attempting to seek assistance from a supernatural entity – we call that “prayer”. The concept … Read more

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