FDA issues Miracle Mineral Solution warming

FDA issues MMS Miracle Mineral Solution warning

The US Food and Drug Administration has issued a strongly worded warming about a product knowns as “Miracle Mineral Solution” or MMS. Their guidance is simple – “Do not purchase or drink it”. This is the second warning they have issued. Why? It is not simply a scam run by a fraudster, but is a … Read more

Radioactive Quackery Pops up in Thailand


Over on Science Based Medicine Steve Novella highlights a bit of radioactive quackery that has popped up. His source is an article from Thailand. There officials have discovered and pulled the plug on a scam that involved selling people an ‘energy card’ that you buy to supposedly … “improve the immune system, strengthen the heart … Read more

Goop Health, one of the quackiest quackfests of 2018

Goop Health

With a hat-tip to Orac for the term “quackiest quackfest”, we have the news that Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop brand held the quackiest quackfest of 2018 – the “GOOP Health” conference in New York. Goop is not about bulk-selling pseudoscientific nonsense, instead it is an attempt to cast an aura of credibility by cranking up the prices … Read more