Swimming against the tide – Atheist TV channel starts up in Egypt

I would not have thought it possible yet, but apparently there is a new Atheist TV channel in Egypt called “Free Mind TV”. The Voice of America reports … EGYPT— In Egypt, a deeply religious country in a deeply religious region, atheism is not only taboo, it is dangerous.  It is sometimes even criminal to … Read more

Daft Claim of the week: Atheistic regimes killed millions

John Mark Reynolds, a rather religious chap, has a posting up that suggests he has rather firmly embraced a rather odd view of 20th century history and appears to believe that atheism is the prime cause of the horrendous genocide that took place. He does not even suggest, or hint, but is very specific about it … Read more

Debunking Atheist Myths

Amanda Marcotte has written a nice article that very effectively slices and dices the following ten myths into shreds … There are no atheists in foxholes Atheists are just angry with God Atheists are aggressive and rude Atheism is a white dude thing Atheism is just a faith like any other Atheists don’t have a … Read more

A Christian Interviews Two Atheists

I’ve come across a rather good posting by Rebecca Florence Miller, a Christian (Wow … did I just use the words “good” and “Christian” in the same sentence?) … no really, it is a good posting. So the story here is that she reached out on “Ask an Atheist day” (yesterday) and proceeded to interview two … Read more

Atheism is just for middle-aged guys … right?

Atheism is just something that middle-aged white guys are into and is of little interest to others .. right? Er … perhaps not … here are nine strong independent women who can think for themselves … Here is Julianne Moore’s interview with the Hollywood Reporter last January Here is Thandie Newton’s moving 2011 TED Talk, This is Angel Haze’s 2012 interview … Read more

A few thoughts on the Pew Research “religion will be big in 2050” poll

As might be expected, the pew research poll that claims a huge growth in religious belief has turned into a bit of a wet dream for many religious folks. For example, here is Fr. Dwight Longenecker (a Catholic priest) claiming “The Facts: Atheism is Dying Out” … It is religion which continues to grow around the world while … Read more